Welcome To The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Database!

The SCWT Health and Pedigree Database is:

  • An easy to use resource with data about Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers throughout the world and reporting tools useful to owners, breeders and health researchers.
  • A robust source of information enabling individuals to make knowledgeable decisions about the care, breeding and welfare of their dogs.
  • An accessible repository of data for researchers, making possible the achievement of a breed healthy in mind and body.

The database is accessible at no charge to anyone interested in Wheatens. Please read the Database Policies then click on the Database button above to get started. We have a User's Guide to help you get started.

SCWT Health Information

An important goal of this database is to collect detailed health and disease information on as many Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers as possible. Collecting, storing and making this health data available can provide significant benefits:

  • Reliable health records benefit breeders choosing mates for their dogs.
  • Owners seeking to add a Wheaten to their family can research pedigrees and health history.
  • The database may help identify health trends.
  • Veterinarians and veterinary researchers will have easy access to abundant data.

Because of the importance and sensitivity of health data, anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Health data will be independently verified whenever possible using veterinary records, pathologists' reports, and certifications from registering bodies such as OFA. Unverified health information will be classified as anecdotal in the individual dog's records.

Growing the Database

To reach its full potential, the database needs breeders and owners to provide data on their dogs so information is kept current. You can help!! Add your dog to the database or update his information:

The Wheaten Health Endowment's Support

The Endowment has funded the development and maintenance of this database. We welcome donations in support of this project and the health research the Endowment funds.

The Wheaten Health Endowment thanks all those who have spent countless hours developing this tool and keeping it current and vital.

Wheaten Health Survey Now Online

The Wheaten Health Survey is now online. Please take the survey by clicking on this Health Survey Link

Then scroll down and select our breed.

User's Guide Available

A User's Guide with an introduction to the database and features is now available. Click on the link to open or download this PDF file.

Database Statistics

There are currently 106,236 dogs in the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Database.